Role of Calcium in the Body & Vitamin D in Calcium Absorption

Role of Calcium in the Body & Vitamin D in Calcium Absorption

We always blame children for not eating properly; for skipping their morning milk and avoiding anything and everything healthy. But the truth is that we as adults are even worse when it comes to balancing our nutrient intake. Most of us spend our lives wishing there was a simple pill or a formula that we could gobble down in a moment and have all our nutritional requirements taken care of. Passion Projects has come up with that very formula. It's a simple powder, but densely packed with nutrients, especially Calcium. Not only does this power powder cover one's daily requirements; it is a sweeping combination of vitamins D & K, and other minerals which are imperative for the absorption of Calcium into the bones. What's more is that the sources of these vitamins and minerals are free from all artificial ingredients and purely au naturale.


The dynamics of calcium moving in and out of the bones is dependent upon how much calcium is taken in the diet. If the calcium intake does not match the daily requirement, or if the absorption of calcium from the digestive system is impaired (as with increasing age) then the body tissues extract calcium from the bones instead. This predisposes the skeleton to calcium deficiency and eventually leads to osteoporosis.

The constant movement of calcium in and out of bones is the reason why regular calcium intake is imperative to maintaining a healthy body. Research has proven that maximum calcium is absorbed into our bones by the age of 20 – 30 years and this is the period of maximum bone density. After this the amount of calcium in bones depends solely on calcium present in the diet. It is recommended that 1000 to 1300 mg of calcium should be taken in the diet daily.


It is a common misconception that calcium is only present in and is essential for bones. Calcium is an essential nutrient that is in fact essential for the body as a whole. It is utilized in one way or another by each and every cell of the body, especially cells of the nervous system, heart and muscles. The human skeleton stores calcium and is the structure providing support to the whole body.

Apart from its importance in bones, it has been recently found that calcium plays a role in lowering blood pressure. Another interesting fact, specifically for women, is that it helps combat the famous man-eater syndrome: the Premenstrual Syndrome.

Perhaps the most intriguing benefit of calcium is that when taken in sufficient amounts, it helps with weight loss. Yes you got that right. You eat less than your daily requirement of calcium and you gain weight! Some of the more morbid diseases prevented by sufficient calcium intake are cancers. Some of the more specific cancers prevented are that of the colon and the breast.


Certain substances like vitamin D also promote the absorption of calcium. This vitamin is rarely found in sufficient amounts in food substances. It is usually produced by the skin after it is exposed to sunlight. This is what makes our calcium powder formulation different from the many others adorning the market shelves. It is more effective because it has the appropriate calcium content along with a sufficient amount of vitamin D to aid calcium absorption.

Vitamin D is so crucial that in case of vitamin D insufficiency, there is always an accompanying deficiency of calcium. There are two sources of vitamin D: the skin and the diet. Despite this, the major amount of vitamin D comes from the skin. This is because there are very few food substances with a decent amount of vitamin D content. A few of these include cod liver oil, oily fish, mushrooms, tofu, dairy products and eggs.

Inadequate levels of vitamin D can have deleterious effects on various systems. For instance, it can result in rickets, a weak immune system, poor hair growth and even an increased rate of cancer.


The argument of sufficient calcium intake doesn't end here. Regardless of the amount of calcium taken in the diet depends on the other food substances that are taken with it. For example, if calcium is eaten along with foods containing oxalates and phytates, such as tomatoes and certain vegetables, then these compounds actually bind with calcium in the gut and prevent their absorption.

Other vitamins which are essential for calcium uptake are vitamins K, vitamin E and vitamin C. Out of these three; vitamin K is relatively more important and is that's why we have included it as a component of our calcium formula.

This is reason enough to try out our calcium and vitamin rich powder which has been prepared with just the right amount of probiotics to keep your gut healthy. Now you won't have to worry about shopping for and eating an assortment of good foods, all you have to do be sure to take you calcium and mineral rich powder drink.

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